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March 2020

​Are you looking for a fun, creative, and therapeutic way to make meaningful connections in your individual or group counseling sessions? Look no further! 


You can use origami as an ice-breaker, in grief support groups, as a de-stressing coping skill, to practice leadership skills, and more! 


No artistic skills are required, and you can use free online video tutorials with your students!


Like all school counselors, I am always looking for fun, creative, and therapeutic ways to address student needs. However, I am not the craftiest of people; I struggle to make my stick figure drawings look remotely like people. When working with children, whether independently or in small groups, I seek engaging strategies that are fun yet focused on the topic at hand. My quest has led me to Origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding.

Computing occupations are fast-growing and earn high entry-level salaries. Computing professionals work on the cutting edge of science and technology, are influential, work independently and creatively, and enjoy freedom relative to other fields–yet only 26% of them are women. Middle and high school girls are less likely to take elective computing classes, a trend that extends into college. Pre-college boys and girls have similar grades, scores, and course taking, but pursue different career interests because of confidence, belonging, and identity.

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School counselors are essential allies for bridging this gap in information and experience, providing career-shaping information to students and their families. School counselors provide and advocate for individual students’ college and career awareness, exploration, and postsecondary planning and decision making, which support the students’ right to choose from the wide array of options when students complete high school.

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I saw some fun, flashy tech tools the teachers in my district were using, but I felt overwhelmed at the thought of trying to figure out how to fit these tools into my program. My district offered technology training professional development, but everything was geared toward classroom teachers. 


I had spent most of my life avoiding technology, but I was motivated to solve these professional challenges and suspected that shifting my mindset to be more open to using EdTech might provide some solutions. 



Fall 2020


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With phones, tablets, and computers, we’re all in a constant cycle of upgrades. Still, in most of our regular day-to-day practice, many educators continue to use the same practices. The comfort of ‘tried but true’ often gives way to stagnation or even obsolescence. 


It’s time for educators to upgrade! Like a favorite app or device, we can upgrade our daily practice with only a few modifications. We can improve time efficiency, productivity, and add additional style and elegance - promoting engagement, just by plugging in with the right tools. 


Here are four fantastic favorite tech tools we recommend to start your upgrade.


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March 2020

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“I fought really hard to get here,” she said with tears filling her eyes. “I’m in my first internship and not only am I the only woman there, but I’m the only person of color. I don’t belong in this field.”


I sat across the auditorium, stunned by this statement from a fellow audience member. I was at a forum discussion about women in the computing workforce at Spelman College. I was shaken by what I was hearing. Was it possible that the number of women in computer science is really that imbalanced?


Also featured in LINK for Counselors. (online link here)  


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Winter 2020

Working together, school counselors and library staff help teens succeed in school and beyond.


Published in YALSA winter edition.


Free Downloadable STEM Posters: Embed STEM in the School Culture


Research about how the physical environment affects young women’s entry and persistence in computing indicates that “The décor of physical spaces conveys messages about the kinds of people who belong there and the kinds of activities that should be done there. Understanding this influence allows us to actively craft an environment that makes a broad range of people feel welcome in computing" (


A free and easy way to get started is by printing and displaying CS posters throughout the school. This article lists where to go for free downloadable posters.


Achieving #CSforALL means conquering the gender gap in tech. At the 2019 CSforALL Summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, attendees gathered to hear from national experts in gender equity
about effective strategies for
inviting, engaging and keeping
girls and young women in the
CS pathway.


A 2019 #CSforALLSummit
Session Summary


What were your goals for the new school year? Less time on paperwork and grading? Collect data and assess student growth more efficiently? Stretch your budget with free resources? It’s not too late to make those dreams a reality! There are several free educational technology tools that can help every educator to achieve their goals! Many have paid add-on features, but the free version is sufficient to explore and meet your goals.


Also featured in Multibriefs.


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Fall 2019


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School counselors are facing an increasing number of responsibilities, and technology can help streamline your practice to fulfill your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. If you are looking to connect with other counselors, get innovative and creative counseling ideas, or simply looking to make your job a little easier, look no further! This article includes some tech tools many counselors are using today and a sneak peek into what’s on the horizon for school counselors from tech and education insiders.


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September 2019


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"I was driven to use technology to create a positive change in my community. This served as my motivation to establish my high school’s first Girls Who Code club (and one of the first GWC chapters in Virginia) in order to take action to close the gender gap in CS....Along the way, I was introduced to an incredible non-profit organization, the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). I was amazed to find an organization comprised of females (and their male allies) across the U.S. who are passionate in all things STEM — just like me! I was ecstatic when I got the notification that I was chosen as a 2018 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Virginia Affiliate Award Winner!


Counselors are at the forefront of opening doors to opportunities for all students. School counselors are champions for equity, advocating for a system that supports all students’ in accessing learning opportunities to guide them towards sustainable careers. Preparing ALL students for post-secondary plans requires all educators to recognize and discuss how CS is woven through every career and how we can spark interest in sustainable careers across K–12.​


Today’s educators recognize that they are not just teaching a subject; they are teaching life skills to students so they can successfully navigate the academic, career, and social-emotional challenges as they arise. Integrating developmentally appropriate mental health and wellness strategies into all content area subjects is increasingly as commonplace as integrating study skills strategies.


School Counselors are at the forefront of opening doors to assist all students in pursuing the careers of their choice. Counselors connect students’ interests with vital 21st -century skills, as evidenced in data shared by the World Economic Forum. Computer Science skills are increasingly necessary for our everyday lives, like for community improvement, creative innovations in all fields, and accessibility.

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Spring 2019


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March 2019


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While school counselors may believe that the inclusive of technology into their program will distract from the soft skills generally associated with the profession, the following anecdotes from counselors at different levels demonstrate how technology can enhance your program.

Previously published in Winter 2017 of NJSCA Counselor News.

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January 2019


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While school counselors may believe that the inclusive of technology into their program will distract from the soft skills generally associated with the profession, the following anecdotes from counselors at different levels demonstrate how technology can enhance your program.



Spring 2018


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​Did you know that school counselors across the nation are quickly becoming influential advocates for using virtual reality in education? School counselors are in the unique role of implementing virtual reality across the K-12 spectrum to address a variety of distinct needs. They support students as they enter the school, when selecting courses, and helping them to find post-secondary success. School counselors are discovering that a full spectrum of student needs can be met with the support of virtual reality apps.

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Nearpod is truly one of the best presentation tools available today. It has transformed my lessons, streamlined data collection, and helped me connect with ALL of my students. Nearpod is at the heart of what we care about as school counselors. We all want to have engaging, effective lessons and meaningful connections with students. And, as school counselors, we need to collect data to ensure we are meeting our goals. Nearpod supports all of this in a simple, integrated platform that makes my job easier and my lessons more effective and fun!


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September 2017

Did you know some of your greatest allies in advocating for computer science (CS) might work right alongside you every day? CS educators across the nation are finding that collaborating with their school counselors yields positive results in directing students to viable education and career opportunities. Counselors care about equity and social justice, and are motivated to guide students to studies that prepare them for quality jobs— and many of those jobs are in the computing fields. Here are a few key strategies for creating a positive partnership with your counselors for CS advocacy in your school.


Everything that school counselors need to know, they learned in graduate school. Right? Well, sort of. While school counseling programs thoroughly prepare graduates, as with any degree, there is some on-the-job learning that isn’t always covered in school. In my nearly 15 years of experience as a school counselor, I identified three skills that I used regularly and hadn’t realized would be so important when I was in graduate school.

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March 2016


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April 2016

​     For educators, identifying and meeting the needs of students who avoid school is confusing and challenging, and there is no formula that works in all situations. Educators struggle to find the right balance between encouraging students to attend and stay in class while allowing them the comfort of knowing they can leave if feeling overwhelmed. 

We know that the longer the student is out of school or class, the harder it is to return. The student faces questions from well-intentioned peers. Learning experiences are missed, and the assignments pile up. A cycle of stress, anxiety, and frustration mounts.  Pg. 26  (4/2016)

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October 2017

School counselors are in the unique position to affect change within their buildings, school districts and community. The direct involvement of school counselors with students and their families, not only for school activities but for neighborhood events, builds trust and enforces stronger bonds for a continuous home–school connection. Here are five ways New Jersey school counselors can engage stakeholders in the community.


Cybersecurity and digital citizenship isn’t just something we relegate to once-a-year conversations, whether we are talking with adults or children. Understanding how to stay safe, secure, and responsible online are shared goals for everyone of every age.


Several sixth grade students at Auten Road Intermediate School in Hillsborough were having conflicts at recess while playing Four Square, a popular playground game among preteens. Arguments often broke out about the rules, roles, turn-taking, and other aspects of the game. In addition to this being a problem at recess, students found this was affecting their friendships. They wanted to enjoy their recess time with friends, but the conflicts and disagreements were making recess tense and stressful.


 “You can wipe away the tears but not the posts.”  “Stone Age to Media Age: moms and pops drowning in an ocean of apps.”  “It’s all about keeping your eyes open to the benefits and risks of social media.”  These are just a few of the insightful headlines that families wrote to summarize what they learned at “Digital Dialogues: A Parent’s Guide to Social Media,” an event held in our district."  Pg. 30  (11/2015)


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November 2015


Brand on brand on brand. It’s definitely THE buzzword used by companies, celebrities, athletes, and now it’s your turn. Here are 10 tips for you to leave an impactful digital footprint.

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May 2015

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 When I decided to take this leap toward integrating technology into my counseling setting, I found many supportive colleagues and administrators. They encouraged me to try new things and helped me to find the humor in situations when something I tried just didn’t work the way I envisioned. Pg. 14 

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Winter 2015


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May 2015

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The Epic eBook of Web Tools and Apps is a collaborative project designed to share resources and tips with educators.


e-published August 2020

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